Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why I'm in the right profession

Next To Creating A Life The Finest Thing A Man Can Do Is Save One— Abraham Lincoln.

1. Rotating schedule is never mundane
2. I get to meet new people everyday
3. Blood, brains and guts is always fun
4. Learning everyday
5. I have insomnia and you don’t get to sleep much in this field
6. I can sleep and get paid some days
7. I get paid to watch and sometimes take care of sports athletes
8. I work with some of the most intelligent and amazing people
9. I have the opportunity to make a difference in others lives
10. I get a chance to do public education every shift
11. I love helping others feel better
12. I get to drive an ambulance like I stole it
13. I get to park and drive over anything I please
14. I have the perfect sense of humor for this field-sarcastic and gory
15. I get to be outside and enjoy the weather
16. I get to intubate and nurses can’t