Friday, January 1, 2010

Twenty Ten

As a single, educated woman in, I have decided to actually make a New Year's resolution and goals list. I have made New Year's resolutions in the past but did not actually care if they were met or not. This year is different! I'm not sure why I have a fire under my butt this as opposed to others. Perhaps its the fact that I'm done with school for the time being or the fact that I have an overwhelming need to accomplish something in life. I feel as if I'm a hamster on a wheel-running and running and getting no where fast. All of my friends are now college graduates, married and established in their careers. Almost all of them have babies. I have at least accomplished that one small fete of graduating college now on to the rest of the million things that I'm behind in. Here's the plan:


1. Get in shape-yes, round is a shape but I would like to be a different shape this year. I'm not going to set a weight amount because I tend to obsess about it and will go overboard.

2. Be a better person everyday. Whether that means actually being nice or just doing things for people without having to get praised for it.

3. Do more for my community. Volunteering, donating time(since I'm broke and trying to save money), giving away stuff I don't use or need.

4. Get more organized. Go through paper work, get containers for better storage, get rid of useless items. Consolidate clothing and make a list of needs. Get big CD cases for DVDs to organize in.

5. Decide if Nursing school is the route or if PA school is for me?? Tough choice. For me its not a money thing its a patient contact thing! I would rather spend time with my patients than paperwork.


1. Save for a house

2. Save for an emergency fund

3. Pay off credit cards and car

4. Get car fixed and a tune up

5. Have a trip fund

Some of these may not get accomplished but if I get near the finish line I would be exstatic!

I hope you all have a fabulous New Year and be safe.